For a very long time now, 'safety first' has been everyone's tradition, but should safety first' be what is in our minds?
I used to follow the tradition and it was always in my mind. I followed it in almost every aspect of my life and would advise anyone to.
Then came one of the boring nights, I took an inspirational book that belongs to one of my friends, read about 3 pages and what I read there was enough to change my mindset about 'safety first'.
'Safety first' isn't in anyway a bad idea but it isn't good enough, it applies to the common man and not leaders and winners.
For you to be a leader cum winner, you have to take risks and if you take risks, there's no way safety is going to come first.
Taking risks should be one of your habits. You should take more risks everyday because the bigger the risk, the bigger your chances of success and the biggest risk is taking no risk at all.
The biggest people out there took risks before they got to where they are. Sometimes, when you take risks and succeed, you'll wish you had taken more risks so that your success would have been more.
Take a step today, follow it up with risks. Start a business today, if you fail, you'll learn more than what a professor will teach you about business.
I'm a leader, I'm a winner, don't tell me 'safety first', just tell me 'safety last'.
Now, tell me, after knowing these things, why should I still go for 'safety first' when I can choose to go for 'safety last'.

- Koyum Kolade Afolabi [KK AWESOME]

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