There's a popular saying which says "a man can be the same person he is in ten years except for two things - the people he moves with and the books he read."
This, I should say is a proven fact because people only change when they're influenced by the people they move with or when they read things from any source.
This saying, has made me compile some quotes from different sources and I've decided to share with the hope that at least one, if not all three will be of positive influence and will serve as ammunition to live in this world as a whole.
Three quotes, hundreds of lessons. Don't just read, ponder; don't just ponder, digest; don't just digest, put into practice.
Now, to the quotes. They are:
1. "If you're not making someone else's life better, you're living yours wrong" - anonymous
Maybe you should do the same thing I did when I saw this- "pause and think", are you actually making at least a person's life better? Don't deceive yourself, if you're not making someone else's life better, you definitely have issues with yours. There are numerous ways by which you can make people's life better, then what is wrong with you? Don't forget, there's a difference between existing and living. If you're just existing, you can start living. Starting from this moment, why not just design your own plans of making people's life better? Maybe by then, you'll start living your life right and become a better person.
2. "You cannot have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday" - anonymous
This clearly explains moving on. We all make a big mistake and it's living in the past. Mistakes are normal, everyone has in a point of their lives made mistakes but not everyone has been able to move on, not because of anything but because they've refused to stop thinking about yesterday.
Don't let yesterday bring you down, stop thinking about it and move on and believe me, the chance of you having a better tomorrow is high, very high.
3. "Climb high so you can see the world, not so the world can see you." - anonymous
This is deep, really deep. A lot of people want to get to great heights so the world could see them, but should that be the the reason they climb high? What if they climb high so they could see the world, maybe they'll actually find out things that'll make them even stay longer and make their feet stand firm and prevent them from shaking?
When one reaches great heights, he finds out that it actually isn't only meant for only him but for 'everyone'. A president is a leader, but in the real sense is a servant because he serves the people, they don't serve him. Only a rich man is expected to donate huge amount of money as charity. A rich man who strives so hard to get rich so just he could be known as rich is different from one who strives so hard to get rich so he could help people around him.
See the world and the world will see you.
Though, just three quotes, I'm hopeful should be enough to serve as ammo against some life matters.
[Credit given to the original owners of the quotes. Would have quoted them but I don't know who they are, I just saw the quotes from sources who didn't quote them also but whoever they are; saludo and gracias.]
Bonus comment : For the third time, I'm an uncle, my second niece arrived yesterday, 11th February, 2016 and yes, she's beautiful. 😍 😍 😊 😊
Koyum Kolade Afolabi [KK Awesome]
12th February, 2016.
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