Five quotes from intelligent minds
You're about to read five quotes from people around me.
When they were saying those words, they probably wouldn't have had it in mind that the words were going to stick to my head for a very long time and become very useful to me.
Of the thousands of wise words from people around me, I've decided to select just five of them so as for the reading not to be boring.
The quotes might originally be from someone else and might also be from their own reasoning, but their mouths are the first I heard it from
The quotes are:
1. "If it hasn't reached you, it hasn't passed you" - Mr F.A. Afolabi. Relationship: Father.
This quote is simple, easy to read and understand the meaning 'sharparly'. We don't talk every time, but the times we talk, I gain a lot from what he says. We were talking about life and he told me that.
The deep message it passes is patience, we should understand that in life, we have to strive for things we want and be hardworking, also, we should always have it in mind that in everything we do, we should be patient for there is sweetness in patience.
In life, we'll aspire for different things and whichever hasn't reached us definitely hasn't passed us. Some of us want to have college degrees and live a good life but these things aren't possible until we pass different stages. So, we cannot pass the last stage before we reach it.
2."What we do for others lasts long, what we do for ourselves die off" - Sheriffdeen Tijani. Relationship: Friends.
My very good friend and the CEO of on one of his blog posts wrote that. When I saw it, I pondered the deep meaning for a while.
This quote has a big weight. Of course, we cannot do without helping ourselves, but we also have to help others because the purpose of our creation is to dutifully serve the Almighty while the purpose of us being human is to serve humanity. The things we do for ourselves die off but whatever we do for people will remain like a permanent scar. The more we help people, the more we help ourselves.
I've always loved to help people and want to motivate and inspire them and saw it as a very necessary aspect of my life goals but since I saw this quote, it has become obligatory, I'm not leaving this world until I've inspired a lot of minds and done other great things, may God help me.
3. "Rich or poor, accept whatever life brings you" - Tolha Ibrahim. Relationship : Friends.
In the noisy road of Ibadan, Nigeria, one evening, my very good friend and I were on a bike, and as usual, we were talking about life when he mentioned this. Though, we didn't go too deep in the conversation, I pondered it for a very long time and it led me to 'jamming' another quote which is "being poor isn't bad, being ashamed of it is"- anonymous. That quote which also made me bring mine -" being rich is good but stops being good when you can't help people with what you have and/or is the reason you're not humble".
This quote has given birth to two more. I hope you understand all.
4. "Treat life the way you want it to treat you" - Samuel Faruna. Relationship : Friends.
Samuel Faruna, my very good friend, and just like the people above, is very intelligent and a person to learn a lot from.
On one afternoon in the scorching Ilorin, Nigeria, sun, we were strolling and gisting about things, then I told him that "because of the way I act to people, a lot of them have taken me for granted, that I wanted to become hard so that things would change. After listening to everything I had to say[he's a very good listener], he brought the quote. He went on to explain further that "if you take life hard, life will be hard for you and if you take it easy, it will be easy, so, be careful in whatever step you want to take". I need not talk more on this, it's explanatory enough.
5. " I know I'll get there, I don't know how, all I know is that I'll get there because I'm doing the right things" - Mr F.A. Afolabi. Relationship : Father.
The last quote of this writeup and the second from the same person.
We were talking one day when he said this too. It doesn't need much explanation. We should know that as long as we do the right thing, and in the right way, no matter what, all things being equal, we'll get there. We just have to strive!
Yeah, done with the quotes. Hope you gained a lot and I hope messages were passed across.
I have a lot of intelligent people around me[ intelligence is the first thing that attracts me to people] I just had to select a few quotes so that you wouldn't get bored reading.
I hope come next time, I'm able to post more of this.. Thanks!
All inspiring. I hope somewhere or sometime between all my dumb comments on issues, I said something worth posting too. Keep it up.
Am gonna have to disagree with dad on that oo ''if it hasn't reached you it hasn't passed you'' party rice dey pass person sometimes oo lol
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