“Ever sat down to think about the 'real' definition of POWER?
It is just a 5-letter word that even 5000 words wouldn't describe.
Underrated by the number of letters in it as a word.
It is something desired by a lot of people only because they don't know what it's capable of doing.
It can belong to anyone - the rich or the poor, the fool or the wise.
It is something the possessor doesn't feel contented with and always want more of.
It isn't something to be taken with levity, for that way, it escapes fast.
It also shouldn't be held to too much, for it is like a pack of sand, when held too tightly, it escapes slowly till it is no more.
It is that good thing that changes someone to bad, makes the kind become heartless and the gentle become wicked.
One of the few things that can make loved ones go against one another.
It is not something that should be seen as easy and ventured into without a very strong motive.
Like wealth, it is something one doesn't get contented with until one meets his grave.
POWER isn't just as simple as we think or gentle as it sounds.
It is something no one can really define.
POWER is something everyone should be afraid of.
POWER! How powerful are you...?“
NB: This isn't a poem, it's an article arranged in a special way, I don't know what to call it.
The writing was inspired by a very close friend, she wants POWER, not for any reason but to test how it feels. Please, someone tell her what power really is before she pursues it. Her dream is...
-Koyum Kolade Afolabi [KK AWESOME]
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