I fell in love, I became a poet
My heart broke, I did poetry better
The days I smiled, it reflected in my poems
The days I cried, I wrote poems to console myself
"Happiness is all that matters", I write that in my poems
"The journey would be rough", that also, you'll see in some of my works
Sometimes, living could be difficult and that's why I write to motivate
And with poetry, I want to do my part in making the world a better place
So that now that I live, I live with a purpose
And when I leave, I leave with fulfilment
To different people are different definitions for life
But to me, poetry is life
In good, bad and ugly times, I call on poetry
Poetry isn't only life, life itself is poetry.

Happy World Poetry Day!

Afolabi Koyum Kolade [ KK Awesome ]
21st March, 2017.

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