My name is Koyum Kolade Afolabi.
I'm a man.
I'm a Muslim.
I'm Black, I'm African, I'm Nigerian.
I won't be at war with you 'cos you're not a Muslim.
I won't treat you less 'cos your skin colour isn't black.
I won't hate you just 'cos you're not African.
I'm proud of my gender, but I'm no sexist.
Yes, I'm proud of my religion but I respect other religions.
I love my skin colour and that cannot stop me from loving someone with a different skin tone.
I'm proudly a Nigerian, but that doesn't change the fact that I admire other countries, culture and lifestyle, without loving mine less.
Your race, colour, religion, nationality or gender doesn't determine how I'd treat you, as I believe before I'm male, Muslim, African or Nigerian, I'm HUMAN - and that's the most important.
I say no sexism and I'm totally against racism.
I preach a world of fairness, equity and unity - where one's skin colour doesn't determine how he'd be treated. A world where one's religion doesn't determine her chances of success.
I believe if everyone can be like me -by treating every other person right and equally, the world would be a better place, by far.
So, together, let us change the world and make it a better place; for all of us.

Koyum Kolade Afolabi.
KK Awesome.

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