Pain is knocking at you door? Open the door and welcome it. Embrace it, let it eat you, allow it consume you. Know that you're human and pain is for you to feel and you're for pain to prey on. Accept that you cannot successfully run from pain until you have deeply felt it. Believe that you'll feel better only after you let the pain eat you.
You have to understand that after the storm comes sunshine, after hardship comes ease and after pain comes relief.
For every beginning of problems comes and end of solutions. Every pain felt is an opportunity to be stronger, an opportunity to be wiser, and an opportunity to be more prepared for other future obstacles.
Embrace the pain and at the end of it, relief is all that you get 'cos as bitter as pain tastes, it's nectars are one of the sweetest.

-Koyum Kolade Afolabi. 

KK Awesome.

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